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  Welcome to Brief Your Phone, one AppBrief is an All-in-One app for today's mobile needs. SMS, Phone, Email, Rss News, Files, Camera, Notes and Secure locker all in one place to easily manage your life in real time.Brief is new, If you have any problems with the Brief app, bugs, frustrations or new features ideas; get in contact with support@brief.inkBrief uses in-app payments for Plus member features, a free 12 month membership is added to each download, so you have 1 year to use and decide if you want to continue.Brief's main features:Email, Brief contain a fully functioning Email client, POP, IMAP and SMTP enabled.SMS, Brief is a fully featured SMS app and can operate as your default SMS app.Phone, View and manage you Phone calls within the Brief.Rss news, Get informed of the latest news from your favourite Rss News sources.Notes, create and manage Notes.Camera, Take pictures, use them or post to instagram.Secure Locker, Keep files secure with the password protected highly encrypted locker.In order to provide all the features of Brief, the app requires to following permissions:Read phone status and identity & call log- Brief incorporates Phone calls into the feed.Edit, Send, Receive SMS messages- Brief incorporates and operates as a fully function SMS application, set it to your default SMS application to make full use of Brief.Read Contacts- To display all SMS, Phone calls and Emails, Brief maps to contacts to identify who you are communicating with.Read, Modify, Delete contents on SDCARD- Brief requires the ability to create, read and delete file in order to operate.Network connectivityBrief makes use of the internet for many features including Email and Rss News.Run at Startup & Keep awake- To ensure Brief can collect Emails, receive SMS on schedule or demand, it needs to be always running.
